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A visitor to New York City asked a passerby for directions to the city’s famous classical music venue:

Visitor: Excuse me, how do I get to Carnegie Hall?

Passer by: Practice, practice, practice!

Course Information


Run Python on the Cloud

Four Levels of Python Code

  1. Syntax (most basic programming requirements)
  2. Idiom (use of .join for string concatenation)
  3. Design Patterns (best practices and approaches to common problems and issues)
  4. Architectural (Overall project structure)

Most books and courses teach level 1 and 2 and rarely touch on level 3 and 4.

Four Paradigms of Python Programming

Your Responsibility

The one thing you have absolute control is the code you write. Make sure don’t write bad code (complicated, incorrect, and undocumented code), so-called spaghetti code.

Wikipedia’s Definition of Spaghetti Code:

“Spaghetti code is a pejorative phrase for unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code. Spaghetti code can be caused by several factors, such as volatile project requirements, lack of programming style rules, and insufficient ability or experience.”

Jupyter Notebooks

The name Jupyter comes from the fact that it supports writing code in three popular languages:

Julia and R are popular for statistical analysis and data science. Python is a more generic programming language that happens to be popular in data science as well, though Python is good for all kinds of development, not just data science.

Dataviz Six Steps

  1. Define Problem and Ask Questions
  2. Define Data Source and Elements
  3. Tidy up Data (Normalize “messy” data so that is is “Tidy”. )
  4. Summarize Data (Summarize/Tablulate, descriptive statistics)
  5. Visualize Data (static and interactive)
  6. Interpret and Communicate Results

Check out this paper for data tidying.

All Six steps must be guided by domain knowledge, principles, and purposes.

Dataviz - Plots/Charts
